Reagan's Rules

Welcome to the blog! Here, Reagan will share insights and experiences to help you raise your confidence and scale your career.

Learn how to overcome the fear of the unknown for good with this groundbreaking strategy developed by accomplished speaker Reagan Cannon.

The Monster Audit: How to Overcome the Fear of the Unknown 

Photo of a confident professional woman staring out at a skyline

September 3, 2024

Reagan Cannon, executive speaker, explains the importance of non-verbal communication as a people leader in a digital world.

What I’m Saying when I’m not Talking: The Role of Non-Verbal Communication in Leadership in our Virtual World. 

August 12, 2024

Tired of those awkward networking moments filled with, “how’s the weather,” talk? It’s time to ditch the small talk and dive into meaningful conversations that build real connections!

Networking Part II:  The Art of Asking for Advice

June 12, 2024

Get out of that downward spiraling rabbit hole! Escape the Vortex of Negativity and discover the 3 Steps to the Pathway to Positivity.

Escaping the Vortex of Negativity: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities 

April 16, 2024

Learn how to use the Manila Folder Technique to help you leverage your current skills in a new way.

The Manila Folder Technique

March 29, 2024

Minimize your anxiety with networking by maximizing your follow up using these tips from Reagan.

Reagan’s Rules for Networking:  Follow Up  

Tips for Networking

January 30, 2024

Reagan discusses tactics leaders can use to empower their employees to take action.

Our Limiting Beliefs: Self-Appointed Superhero

January 20, 2024

Reagan explores how being an ally can be as simple as changing the focus of a question from how I can help you to how we can partner on the problem.  

Reagan’s Rules on Being an Ally: Red-Yellow-Green Framework  

Red Light Green Framework

January 15, 2024

Regan shares eight lessons to help refine your own thinking around the choice to stay in a role or go out on your own.

8 Entrepreneurial Insights I Wish I’d Known Before Leaving My Day Job

January 10, 2024

From delivering a TEDx talk to empowering women in leadership, the past year has been filled with meaningful experiences and profound insights.

Reflecting on 2023: A Year of Growth, Learning, and Empowering Others

Empowering Women in Business

January 1, 2024

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