As we bid farewell to 2023, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible journey it has been. From delivering a TEDx talk to empowering women in leadership, the past year has been filled with meaningful experiences and profound insights.
Looking back at some of the fun highlights from this past year, I am incredibly lucky for the experiences I was able to undergo.
TEDx Talk:
One of my proudest moments was when I launched my TEDx talk (The Real Reason Women Aren’t Promoted) with an amazing community of friends and family. I have been able to reach thousands of people and help them understand what is important when it comes to promotions and how to get there!
Learning: The Power of Community
Community is key. Being an Entrepeneur could be lonely. However, having a community, being clear on how they can help you activate your vision, and expressing gratitude in the process is the most fulfilling way to operate. I watched that in action as I launched my talk.
Nurturing High-Potential Women:
Facilitating Leadership Development Programs for high-potential women was nothing short of magical. Witnessing the energy, tears, and the realization that no one walks alone in their journey left an indelible mark.
Learning: Invest in the Next Generation
I love investing in the next generation of women. I don’t know when it happened. But I went from the young, high potential talent, to the one who invests in that talent. It is an honor, and I am thrilled to pay-it-forward from the years of investment that others made in me.
Leadership Training and Collaboration:
Conducting extensive training on Communication, Delegation, and Accountability for hundreds of leaders was a significant achievement. The realization that I didn’t have to do it all alone, with support from friends, mentors, and collaborators, was a valuable lesson.
Learning: Embrace Collaboration
You don’t have to do it all yourself. Which sounds kinda funny because I am a soloprenuer. But this year has been a patchwork quilt of friends, vendors, mentors, strategists, coaches and fellow business owners who have helped me get work and get it across the line.
Coaching Triumphs:
I partnered with coaching clients and celebrated as they saw personal & professional growth and even witnessed a few promotions along the way!
Learning: Client-Centric Coaching
I live for the moment when someone has the “ah ha” moment. That look of realization that they don’t have to be the same going forward. It can be the smallest insight or the biggest life change. Being a coach is all about the client. Surrendering my agenda, listening to them, bringing forward anything that can help them stack those insightful moments for change.
Keynote Adventures:
Throughout 2023, I delivered virtual and in-person keynotes in the US and the Internationally to women who want to increase their confidence with Relational Courage. From small intimate settings in a board room, to a huge stage of 600 women, it was thrilling to connect with new audiences.
Learning: Service Above Self
When I walk out on stage, I feel so alive. I know without a doubt, that I was born to do that. But if it becomes about me, it is a failure. My time on stage has to be in service of others—and hopefully that involves a lot of laughter along the way.
Official Certification as a Woman-Owned Business:
Becoming a certified Woman Owned Business with WBENC and WOSB was a rigorous process, but the sense of pride and identity it brought was unparalleled.
Learning: Embracing Entrepreneurship
A woman owned business- The ring of it still hits me to my core. Being an entrepreneur is a new identity for me. I am loving it and I have a feeling, like my favorite leather jacket, it will get more comfortable with time.
Grateful for Support:
Receiving referrals, recommendations, and testimonials from friends, clients, and family was a genuine blessing. Building authentic relationships and never ceasing to offer support to others proved integral to entrepreneurial success.
Learning: The Art of Relationship Building
If you want to be an entrepreneur someday, be a person who builds genuine relationship with others. Never stop asking what you can do for them. I feel so grateful and indebted to everyone who has encouraged me, referred me, trusted me, and believed in me.
Living My “Why”:
Best of all, I got to live my “why”: To use my words in a meaningful way to help people CHANGE their lives.
I am excited for 2024 and everything it will bring! If you ever want to chat about a speaking opportunity or learn what it means to hire a coach, kick off this year with a free consult.